High temperature solid lubricant:
The graphite-like hexagonal modification (α-boron nitride) is used as a lubricant ("inorganic" or "white graphite"). In contrast to graphite, the friction coefficient of hexagonal boron nitride remains stable up to more than 1000 ° C, which is why it is very well suited as a high-temperature solid lubricant under vacuum.
Production of β-boron nitride (CBN):
At high temperature (1400-1800 ° C) and high pressure (> 6 GPa), the hexagonal changes into the cubic modification, analogous to the transformation of graphite into diamond. Both boron nitride modifications are white and do not conduct electricity at low and moderate temperatures.
The high hiding power and the graphite-like texture which is advantageous for application are the decisive properties for use in make-up.
Water treatment or purification:
A porous sponge of boron nitride is capable of absorbing about 33 times its own weight in oil and organic solvents. After burning or evaporation of the absorbed liquids, the filter sponge can be recovered unchanged. This property could be used for water treatment or purification